Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Sonali does More Bolivia

Waking up from a night of partying is not easy and yes it wasn't! But of course we powered through because there is just so much to see and do in Bolivia. We started off our day with a trip to Valle de la luna( valley of the moon). It is quite possibly the most unique formation I've seen. The corrosion and erosion of the land has formed these very indescribable structures that made the local people think it was quite extraterrestrial, hence the name. See pic below so you'll, know what I'm talking about. The entire loop to walk through the trail took about an hour what with us stopped by crazy winds and picture taking. 

Lunch was back in town in the San Miguel area. Highlights: 1. My Spanish comes in handy as the waiter refused to speak in English 2. I tried llama fillet and sausage. The verdict: it's delicious, a lot like lamb. 3. Jugos sin Agua de melon was refreshing! 

Other nights from the day: 1. ATVs on the road, I mean what? 2. We tried helado(shaved ice) a local favorite 3. It being a Sunday, most of the stores and restaurants were closed! 4. Dinner was at the Casa Grande Hotel. My favorites: surubi(tropical river fish), creme brûlée and Sauvignon Blanc. 

Not a bad day at all!

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