Monday, August 3, 2015

Sonali does South America

I guess it's been a while since I blogged on blogger because the first thing google suggested when I created my blog page was that I buy the domain "" for $12 a year! To be honest, it was tempting. But I figured I'd have to "do stuff" for the rest of the year to justify the purchase and so decided against it. But I digress,..

It all started when my friend decided to get married (or rather have a wedding ceremony on her 1st wedding anniversary). You see, she's Bolivian and that means an awesome destination wedding party for me and my friends. After doing a quick recon on the internet I realized that Peru was right next door. This meant I could maybe finally cross Macchu Picchu off my bucket list! Gathering the troops turned out to be relatively pain-free. I guess the stars aligned (or maybe it was just good timing). So here we are.  I love reading travel blogs, so I figured I'd write one. It helps me remember places I went to, things I did and other random experiences I had on the trip. In fact, I have referred back to my 2012 blog a half a dozen times in the last 3 years to provide my friends with insightful suggestions (or warnings). 

Here are the quick Ws.

WHAT:     Wedding + Rain Forest + Hiking Trail + Food

WHO:       Me + 4 married couples (I might mention their names if I can get them to sign off on it)

WHY:       We are grown-up consenting adults who like fun

WHEN:     In 3 days

WHERE:  Bolivia y Peru

The plan is to update the blog every few days with what will hopefully be cool, new, unknown things about Bolivia and Peru.

Stay tuned for more on Sonali does stuff!

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